Gina Bingo: Club 75 Ball Hall

10 Spot Chat Keno

During £30.00 coverall games, you pick 10 different numbers between 1 and 75 (known as “spots”) and try to match all your spots against the first 20 randomly drawn numbers!

Deal or No Deal

Each number ‘box’ has a hidden amount of Loyalty Points inside. The winner of the game is given the amount of Loyalty Points that is revealed within their winning box. Either keep the amount of Loyalty Points revealed ‘DEAL’ or try your luck with ‘NO DEAL’. If you choose ‘NO DEAL’ the CC will use the first ball out of next game as your winning box. You could win more, or less with between 50 to 200 Loyalty Points to be won each game.

U Pick 3

Be in chat for your chance to win 200 Loyalty Points! Pick 3 numbers. The first 4 players, each game, to get those numbers types “pick 3” in chat to win 50 Loyalty Points each. Get the first 3 numbers out and win 200 Loyalty Points.

Bingo Bingo Bingo!

When you Bingo on a B you win 200 Loyalty Points, on I=100 Loyalty Points , on N=50 Loyalty Points, on G=50 Loyalty Points and on O=100 Loyalty Points!

Lucky 7

Bingo on a number with a 7 in it and pick 2 friends for 50 Loyalty Points each.

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